The problem for me was not creating this household survival guide of sorts; I’m good at planning and outlining routines and assigning chores. The problem for me was actually putting it all into action and being consistent with it.This is where the HomeRoutine app comes in handy. I no longer have my control journal in my clunky binder, everything I just mentioned is put into the app…every routine you have,
the tasks associated with that routine,
Each Zone of your home, which you customize.
every chore that needs to be done for every zone.
Then it REMINDS you to actually do it. You can set reminders when certain things are to be done or certain routines are supposed to begin, it will sound an alarm. As you do each task, you click the star, which then turns yellow, indicating that you have completed it…nice little motivating factor when you look back over the day and see how much you have accomplished.
There's a built in timer function that's very useful if you're like me and have a hard time stopping once you get involved in a certain task. Set it for 15,20,30 minutes....make it work for you....then just stop when you are out of time.
There's also a ToDo List with options to list things that need to get done today, this week and things that aren't immediately necessary but will be coming up soon.
It takes some time to set it all up, but the ability to edit it online and then sync with your phone makes it much easier. This app currently has 4.5 stars on App Store. It’s not free, but worth the few bucks in my opinion.
I'm linking up with Tidy Mom today.

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