Weekday mornings can be a bit hectic in the morning with 4 kids to dress, breakfast and lunch to prepare for everyone and then leaving early enough to get all of them where they need to be. Cecil and I have a perfectly choreographed routine that we go through each morning, almost like a dance routine. I get up, exercise, wash a load of laundry, take my shower, try to unload the dishwasher. Then he gets up and gets lunches started while I get the older girls up and dressed. He feed them breakfast while I fold a load of laundry and finish getting myself dressed. He then wakes up David, all the while crossing his fingers that David wakes up in a good mood. David and Ava eat breakfast, then Cecil gets David dressed. Once all the hair and teeth are brushed, and after a quick kiss from Daddy and Ava, we finally make it out the door.
Well, this morning Cecil had to leave for work at 4:45 and I danced alone. Not perfectly, not without a few missed steps--I didn't do any laundry or unload the dishwasher, or exercise. But hey, I did shower and we all brushed our teeth and made it ,very calmly, out the door earlier than our usual time, since I also had to bring Ava to her sitter this morning.
I hopped in the van, texted Cecil to tell him that all is well, then I said a prayer of Thanks to God for a wonderfully calm, smooth, enjoyable morning, taking joy in the little moments in my life when things are just going right.